# matrix-appservice-kakaotalk - A Matrix-KakaoTalk puppeting bridge. # Copyright (C) 2022 Tulir Asokan, Andrew Ferrazzutti # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, AsyncGenerator, AsyncIterable, Awaitable, cast from datetime import datetime, timedelta import asyncio from yarl import URL from mautrix.appservice import IntentAPI from mautrix.bridge import BasePuppet, async_getter_lock from mautrix.types import ContentURI, RoomID, SyncToken, UserID from mautrix.util import magic from mautrix.util.simple_template import SimpleTemplate from . import matrix as m, portal as p, user as u from .config import Config from .db import Puppet as DBPuppet from .kt.types.bson import Long from .kt.types.api.struct import FriendStruct from .kt.client.types import UserInfoUnion if TYPE_CHECKING: from .__main__ import KakaoTalkBridge class Puppet(DBPuppet, BasePuppet): mx: m.MatrixHandler config: Config hs_domain: str mxid_template: SimpleTemplate[int] by_ktid: dict[int, Puppet] = {} by_custom_mxid: dict[UserID, Puppet] = {} _last_info_sync: datetime | None def __init__( self, ktid: Long, name: str | None = None, photo_id: str | None = None, photo_mxc: ContentURI | None = None, name_set: bool = False, avatar_set: bool = False, is_registered: bool = False, custom_mxid: UserID | None = None, access_token: str | None = None, next_batch: SyncToken | None = None, base_url: URL | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( ktid, name, photo_id, photo_mxc, name_set, avatar_set, is_registered, custom_mxid, access_token, next_batch, base_url, ) self._last_info_sync = None self.default_mxid = self.get_mxid_from_id(ktid) self.default_mxid_intent = self.az.intent.user(self.default_mxid) self.intent = self._fresh_intent() self.log = self.log.getChild(str(self.ktid)) @property def should_sync(self) -> bool: now = datetime.now() if not self._last_info_sync or now - self._last_info_sync > timedelta(hours=48): self._last_info_sync = now return True return False async def default_puppet_should_leave_room(self, room_id: RoomID) -> bool: portal = await p.Portal.get_by_mxid(room_id) return portal and portal.kt_sender != self.ktid async def _leave_rooms_with_default_user(self) -> None: await super()._leave_rooms_with_default_user() # Make the user join all private chat portals. await asyncio.gather( *[ self.intent.ensure_joined(portal.mxid) async for portal in p.Portal.get_all_by_receiver(self.ktid) if portal.mxid ] ) def intent_for(self, portal: p.Portal) -> IntentAPI: if portal.kt_sender == self.ktid or ( portal.backfill_lock.locked and self.config["bridge.backfill.invite_own_puppet"] ): return self.default_mxid_intent return self.intent @classmethod def init_cls(cls, bridge: KakaoTalkBridge) -> AsyncIterable[Awaitable[None]]: cls.config = bridge.config cls.loop = bridge.loop cls.mx = bridge.matrix cls.az = bridge.az cls.hs_domain = cls.config["homeserver.domain"] cls.mxid_template = SimpleTemplate( template=cls.config["bridge.username_template"], keyword="userid", prefix="@", suffix=f":{Puppet.hs_domain}", type=int, ) cls.sync_with_custom_puppets = cls.config["bridge.sync_with_custom_puppets"] cls.homeserver_url_map = { server: URL(url) for server, url in cls.config["bridge.double_puppet_server_map"].items() } cls.allow_discover_url = cls.config["bridge.double_puppet_allow_discovery"] cls.login_shared_secret_map = { server: secret.encode("utf-8") for server, secret in cls.config["bridge.login_shared_secret_map"].items() } cls.login_device_name = "KakaoTalk Bridge" return (puppet.try_start() async for puppet in Puppet.get_all_with_custom_mxid()) # region User info updating def update_info_from_participant( self, source: u.User, info: UserInfoUnion, update_avatar: bool = True, ) -> Awaitable[Puppet]: return self._update_info( source, info.nickname, info.profileURL, update_avatar ) def update_info_from_friend( self, source: u.User, info: FriendStruct, update_avatar: bool = True, ) -> Awaitable[Puppet]: return self._update_info( source, info.nickName, info.profileImageUrl, update_avatar ) async def _update_info( self, source: u.User, name: str, avatar_url: str, update_avatar: bool = True, ) -> Puppet: self._last_info_sync = datetime.now() try: changed = await self._update_name(name) if update_avatar: changed = await self._update_photo(source, avatar_url) or changed if changed: await self.save() except Exception: self.log.exception(f"Failed to update info from source {source.ktid}") return self async def _update_name(self, name: str) -> bool: name = self.config["bridge.displayname_template"].format(displayname=name) if name != self.name or not self.name_set: self.name = name try: await self.default_mxid_intent.set_displayname(self.name) self.name_set = True except Exception: self.log.exception("Failed to set displayname") self.name_set = False return True return False @classmethod async def reupload_avatar( cls, source: u.User, intent: IntentAPI, url: str, ktid: int, ) -> ContentURI: async with source.client.get(url) as resp: data = await resp.read() mime = magic.mimetype(data) return await intent.upload_media( data, mime_type=mime, async_upload=cls.config["homeserver.async_media"] ) async def _update_photo(self, source: u.User, photo_id: str) -> bool: if photo_id != self.photo_id or not self.avatar_set: self.photo_id = photo_id if photo_id: self.photo_mxc = await self.reupload_avatar( source, self.default_mxid_intent, photo_id, self.ktid, ) else: self.photo_mxc = ContentURI("") try: await self.default_mxid_intent.set_avatar_url(self.photo_mxc) self.avatar_set = True except Exception: self.log.exception("Failed to set avatar") self.avatar_set = False return True return False # endregion # region Database getters def _add_to_cache(self) -> None: self.by_ktid[self.ktid] = self if self.custom_mxid: self.by_custom_mxid[self.custom_mxid] = self @classmethod @async_getter_lock async def get_by_ktid(cls, ktid: int, *, create: bool = True) -> Puppet | None: try: return cls.by_ktid[int] except KeyError: pass puppet = cast(cls, await super().get_by_ktid(ktid)) if puppet: puppet._add_to_cache() return puppet if create: puppet = cls(ktid) await puppet.insert() puppet._add_to_cache() return puppet return None @classmethod async def get_by_mxid(cls, mxid: UserID, create: bool = True) -> Puppet | None: ktid = cls.get_id_from_mxid(mxid) if ktid: return await cls.get_by_ktid(ktid, create=create) return None @classmethod @async_getter_lock async def get_by_custom_mxid(cls, mxid: UserID) -> Puppet | None: try: return cls.by_custom_mxid[mxid] except KeyError: pass puppet = cast(cls, await super().get_by_custom_mxid(mxid)) if puppet: puppet._add_to_cache() return puppet return None @classmethod def get_id_from_mxid(cls, mxid: UserID) -> int | None: return cls.mxid_template.parse(mxid) @classmethod def get_mxid_from_id(cls, ktid: int) -> UserID: return UserID(cls.mxid_template.format_full(ktid)) @classmethod async def get_all_with_custom_mxid(cls) -> AsyncGenerator[Puppet, None]: puppets = await super().get_all_with_custom_mxid() puppet: cls for puppet in puppets: try: yield cls.by_ktid[puppet.ktid] except KeyError: puppet._add_to_cache() yield puppet # endregion