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# matrix-puppeteer-line - A very hacky Matrix-LINE bridge based on running LINE's Chrome extension in Puppeteer
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Tulir Asokan, Andrew Ferrazzutti
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Set, Any, AsyncGenerator, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING, cast
from asyncpg.exceptions import UniqueViolationError
from html.parser import HTMLParser
import mimetypes
import asyncio
import magic
from random import randint
from os import remove
from mautrix.appservice import AppService, IntentAPI
from mautrix.bridge import BasePortal, NotificationDisabler
from mautrix.types import (EventID, MessageEventContent, RoomID, EventType, MessageType,
TextMessageEventContent, MediaMessageEventContent, Membership, Format,
ContentURI, EncryptedFile, ImageInfo,
RelatesTo, RelationType)
from mautrix.errors import IntentError
from mautrix.util.simple_lock import SimpleLock
from .db import Portal as DBPortal, Message as DBMessage, ReceiptReaction as DBReceiptReaction, Media as DBMedia
from .config import Config
from .rpc import ChatInfo, Participant, Message, Receipt, Client, PathImage
from .rpc.types import RPCError
from . import user as u, puppet as p
from .__main__ import MessagesBridge
from mautrix.crypto.attachments import encrypt_attachment, decrypt_attachment
except ImportError:
encrypt_attachment = decrypt_attachment = None
StateBridge = EventType.find("m.bridge", EventType.Class.STATE)
StateHalfShotBridge = EventType.find("uk.half-shot.bridge", EventType.Class.STATE)
MediaInfo = NamedTuple('MediaInfo', mxc=Optional[ContentURI],
mime_type=str, file_name=str, size=int)
class Portal(DBPortal, BasePortal):
invite_own_puppet_to_pm: bool = False
by_mxid: Dict[RoomID, 'Portal'] = {}
by_chat_id: Dict[str, 'Portal'] = {}
config: Config
matrix: 'm.MatrixHandler'
az: AppService
_main_intent: Optional[IntentAPI]
_create_room_lock: asyncio.Lock
backfill_lock: SimpleLock
_last_participant_update: Set[str]
def __init__(self, chat_id: str, other_user: Optional[str] = None,
mxid: Optional[RoomID] = None, name: Optional[str] = None,
icon_path: Optional[str] = None, icon_mxc: Optional[ContentURI] = None,
encrypted: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(chat_id, other_user, mxid, name, icon_path, icon_mxc, encrypted)
self._create_room_lock = asyncio.Lock()
self.log = self.log.getChild(str(chat_id))
self.backfill_lock = SimpleLock("Waiting for backfilling to finish before handling %s",
self._main_intent = None
self._last_participant_update = set()
def is_direct(self) -> bool:
return self.chat_id[0] == "u"
def is_group(self) -> bool:
return self.chat_id[0] == "c"
def is_room(self) -> bool:
return self.chat_id[0] == "r"
def needs_bridgebot(self) -> bool:
# TODO Ask Tulir why e2b needs the bridgebot to be in the room
# Reminder that the bridgebot's intent is used for non-DM rooms
return not self.is_direct or (self.encrypted and self.matrix.e2ee)
def main_intent(self) -> IntentAPI:
if not self._main_intent:
raise ValueError("Portal must be postinit()ed before main_intent can be used")
return self._main_intent
def init_cls(cls, bridge: 'MessagesBridge') -> None:
BasePortal.bridge = bridge
cls.config = bridge.config
cls.matrix = bridge.matrix
cls.az = bridge.az
cls.loop = bridge.loop
cls.bridge = bridge
cls.invite_own_puppet_to_pm = cls.config["bridge.invite_own_puppet_to_pm"]
cls.emoji_scale_factor = max(int(cls.config["bridge.emoji_scale_factor"]), 1)
NotificationDisabler.puppet_cls = p.Puppet
NotificationDisabler.config_enabled = cls.config["bridge.backfill.disable_notifications"]
async def _send_delivery_receipt(self, event_id: EventID) -> None:
# TODO Also send receipt from own puppet, if it's in the room
if event_id and self.config["bridge.delivery_receipts"]:
await self.az.intent.mark_read(self.mxid, event_id)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to send delivery receipt for %s", event_id)
async def handle_matrix_message(self, sender: 'u.User', message: MessageEventContent,
event_id: EventID) -> None:
if not sender.client:
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring message {event_id} as user is not connected")
elif ((message.get(self.bridge.real_user_content_key,
False) and await p.Puppet.get_by_custom_mxid(sender.mxid))):
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring puppet-sent message by confirmed puppet user {sender.mxid}")
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
# TODO deduplication of outgoing messages
text = message.body
if message.msgtype.is_text:
if message.msgtype == MessageType.EMOTE:
text = f"/me {text}"
message_id = await sender.client.send(self.chat_id, text)
except RPCError as e:
self.log.warning(f"Failed to send message {event_id} to chat {self.chat_id}: {e}")
message_id = -1
elif message.msgtype.is_media:
if message.file and decrypt_attachment:
data = await self.main_intent.download_media(message.file.url)
data = decrypt_attachment(data, message.file.key.key,
message.file.hashes.get("sha256"), message.file.iv)
data = await self.main_intent.download_media(message.url)
mime_type = message.info.mimetype or magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
# TODO Set path from config
file_path = f"/dev/shm/file_{randint(0,1000)}{mimetypes.guess_extension(mime_type)}"
temp_file = open(file_path, 'wb')
message_id = await sender.client.send_file(self.chat_id, file_path)
except RPCError as e:
self.log.warning(f"Failed to upload media {event_id} to chat {self.chat_id}: {e}")
message_id = -1
msg = None
if message_id != -1:
msg = DBMessage(mxid=event_id, mx_room=self.mxid, mid=message_id, chat_id=self.chat_id)
await msg.insert()
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
self.log.debug(f"Handled Matrix message {event_id} -> {message_id}")
except UniqueViolationError as e:
self.log.warning(f"Failed to handle Matrix message {event_id} -> {message_id}: {e}")
if not msg and self.config["bridge.delivery_error_reports"]:
await self.main_intent.send_notice(
"Posting this message to LINE may have failed.",
relates_to=RelatesTo(rel_type=RelationType.REPLY, event_id=event_id))
async def handle_matrix_leave(self, user: 'u.User') -> None:
self.log.info(f"{user.mxid} left portal to {self.chat_id}, "
f"cleaning up and deleting...")
await self.cleanup_and_delete()
async def _bridge_own_message_pm(self, source: 'u.User', sender: Optional['p.Puppet'], mid: str,
invite: bool = True) -> Optional[IntentAPI]:
intent = sender.intent if sender else (await source.get_own_puppet()).intent
if self.is_direct and (sender is None or sender.mid == source.mid and not sender.is_real_user):
if self.invite_own_puppet_to_pm and invite:
await intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
except IntentError as e:
if self.main_intent != self.az.intent:
await self.main_intent.invite_user(self.mxid, intent.mxid)
await intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
self.log.warning(f"Unable to invite own puppet to {self.mxid}: {e}")
intent = None
elif await self.az.state_store.get_membership(self.mxid,
intent.mxid) != Membership.JOIN:
self.log.warning(f"Ignoring own {mid} in private chat because own puppet is not in"
" room.")
intent = None
return intent
async def handle_remote_message(self, source: 'u.User', evt: Message) -> None:
if await DBMessage.get_by_mid(evt.id):
self.log.debug(f"Ignoring duplicate message {evt.id}")
if evt.is_outgoing:
if source.intent:
sender = None
intent = source.intent
if not self.invite_own_puppet_to_pm:
self.log.warning(f"Ignoring message {evt.id}: double puppeting isn't enabled")
sender = await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(evt.sender.id) if evt.sender else None
intent = await self._bridge_own_message_pm(source, sender, f"message {evt.id}")
if not intent:
sender = await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(self.other_user if self.is_direct else evt.sender.id)
# TODO Respond to name/avatar changes of users in a DM
if not self.is_direct:
if sender:
await sender.update_info(evt.sender, source.client)
self.log.warning(f"Could not find ID of LINE user who sent event {evt.id}")
sender = await p.Puppet.get_by_profile(evt.sender, source.client)
intent = sender.intent
await intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
if evt.image and evt.image.url:
if not evt.image.is_sticker or self.config["bridge.receive_stickers"]:
media_info = await self._handle_remote_media(
source, intent, evt.image.url,
deduplicate=not self.encrypted and evt.image.is_sticker)
image_info = ImageInfo(
# Element Web doesn't animate PNGs, but setting the mimetype to GIF works.
# (PNG stickers never animate, and PNG images only animate after being clicked on.)
# Making this exception since E.W. seems to be the only client that supports inline animated stickers & images.
# TODO Open an E.W. issue for this
# TODO Test Element Android
# TODO Find & test other non-GIF formats for animated images
mimetype="image/gif" if evt.image.is_animated and media_info.mime_type == "image/png" else media_info.mime_type,
size=media_info.size) if media_info else None
media_info = None
send_sticker = self.config["bridge.use_sticker_events"] and evt.image.is_sticker and not self.encrypted and media_info
if send_sticker:
event_id = await intent.send_sticker(
self.mxid, media_info.mxc, image_info, "<sticker>", timestamp=evt.timestamp)
if media_info:
content = MediaMessageEventContent(
url=media_info.mxc, file=media_info.decryption_info,
content = TextMessageEventContent(
body=f"<{'sticker' if evt.image.is_sticker else 'image'}>")
event_id = await self._send_message(intent, content, timestamp=evt.timestamp)
elif evt.html and not evt.html.isspace():
chunks = []
def handle_data(data):
nonlocal chunks
chunks.append({"type": "data", "data": data})
def handle_starttag(tag, attrs):
obj = {"type": tag}
for attr in attrs:
obj[attr[0]] = attr[1]
nonlocal chunks
parser = HTMLParser()
parser.handle_data = handle_data
parser.handle_starttag = handle_starttag
msg_text = ""
msg_html = None
for chunk in chunks:
ctype = chunk["type"]
if ctype == "br":
msg_text += "\n"
if not msg_html:
msg_html = msg_text
msg_html += "<br>"
elif ctype == "data":
msg_text += chunk["data"]
if msg_html:
msg_html += chunk["data"]
elif ctype == "img":
height = int(chunk.get("height", 19)) * self.emoji_scale_factor
cclass = chunk["class"]
if cclass == "emojione":
alt = chunk["alt"]
media_id = None
alt = "".join(filter(lambda char: char.isprintable(), chunk["alt"])).strip()
alt = f':{alt if alt else "n/a"}:'
media_id = f'{chunk.get("data-stickon-pkg-cd", 0)}/{chunk.get("data-stickon-stk-cd", 0)}'
# NOTE Not encrypting content linked to by HTML tags
if not self.encrypted and self.config["bridge.receive_stickers"]:
media_info = await self._handle_remote_media(source, intent, chunk["src"], media_id, deduplicate=True)
if not msg_html:
msg_html = msg_text
msg_html += f'<img data-mx-emoticon src="{media_info.mxc}" alt="{alt}" title="{alt}" height="{height}">'
msg_text += alt
content = TextMessageEventContent(
format=Format.HTML if msg_html else None,
body=msg_text, formatted_body=msg_html)
event_id = await self._send_message(intent, content, timestamp=evt.timestamp)
# TODO Joins/leaves/invites/rejects, which are sent as LINE message events after all!
# Also keep track of strangers who leave / get blocked / become friends
# (maybe not here for all of that)
content = TextMessageEventContent(
body="<Unbridgeable message>")
event_id = await self._send_message(intent, content, timestamp=evt.timestamp)
if evt.is_outgoing and evt.receipt_count:
await self._handle_receipt(event_id, evt.receipt_count)
msg = DBMessage(mxid=event_id, mx_room=self.mxid, mid=evt.id, chat_id=self.chat_id)
await msg.insert()
await self._send_delivery_receipt(event_id)
self.log.debug(f"Handled remote message {evt.id} -> {event_id}")
except UniqueViolationError as e:
self.log.debug(f"Failed to handle remote message {evt.id} -> {event_id}: {e}")
async def handle_remote_receipt(self, receipt: Receipt) -> None:
msg = await DBMessage.get_by_mid(receipt.id)
if msg:
await self._handle_receipt(msg.mxid, receipt.count)
self.log.debug(f"Could not find message for read receipt {receipt.id}")
async def _handle_receipt(self, event_id: EventID, receipt_count: int) -> None:
if self.is_direct:
await self.main_intent.send_receipt(self.mxid, event_id)
reaction = await DBReceiptReaction.get_by_relation(event_id, self.mxid)
if reaction:
await self.main_intent.redact(self.mxid, reaction.mxid)
await reaction.delete()
# If there are as many receipts as there are chat participants, then everyone
# must have read the message, so send real read receipts from each puppet.
# TODO Not just -1 if there are multiple _OWN_ puppets...
if receipt_count == len(self._last_participant_update) - 1:
for mid in filter(lambda mid: not p.Puppet.is_mid_for_own_puppet(mid), self._last_participant_update):
intent = (await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(mid)).intent
await intent.send_receipt(self.mxid, event_id)
# TODO Translatable string for "Read by"
reaction_mxid = await self.main_intent.react(self.mxid, event_id, f"(Read by {receipt_count})")
await DBReceiptReaction(reaction_mxid, self.mxid, event_id, receipt_count).insert()
async def _handle_remote_media(self, source: 'u.User', intent: IntentAPI,
media_url: str, media_id: Optional[str] = None,
deduplicate: bool = False) -> MediaInfo:
if not media_id:
media_id = media_url
db_media_info = await DBMedia.get_by_id(media_id) if deduplicate else None
if not db_media_info:
# NOTE Blob URL of stickers only persists for a single session...still better than nothing.
self.log.debug(f"{'Did not find existing mxc URL for' if deduplicate else 'Not deduplicating'} {media_id}, uploading media now")
resp = await source.client.read_image(media_url)
except (RPCError, TypeError) as e:
self.log.warning(f"Failed to download remote media from chat {self.chat_id}: {e}")
return None
media_info = await self._reupload_remote_media(resp.data, intent, resp.mime, disable_encryption=deduplicate)
if deduplicate:
await DBMedia(
media_id=media_id, mxc=media_info.mxc,
size=media_info.size, mime_type=media_info.mime_type, file_name=media_info.file_name
return media_info
self.log.debug(f"Found existing mxc URL for {media_id}: {db_media_info.mxc}")
return MediaInfo(db_media_info.mxc, None, db_media_info.mime_type, db_media_info.file_name, db_media_info.size)
async def _reupload_remote_media(self, data: bytes, intent: IntentAPI,
mime_type: str = None, file_name: str = None,
disable_encryption: bool = True) -> MediaInfo:
if not mime_type:
mime_type = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
upload_mime_type = mime_type
if not file_name:
file_name = f"image{mimetypes.guess_extension(mime_type)}"
upload_file_name = file_name
decryption_info = None
if self.encrypted and encrypt_attachment and not disable_encryption:
data, decryption_info = encrypt_attachment(data)
upload_mime_type = "application/octet-stream"
upload_file_name = None
mxc = await intent.upload_media(data, mime_type=upload_mime_type,
if decryption_info:
self.log.debug(f"Uploaded encrypted media as {mxc}")
decryption_info.url = mxc
mxc = None
self.log.debug(f"Uploaded media as {mxc}")
return MediaInfo(mxc, decryption_info, mime_type, file_name, len(data))
async def update_info(self, conv: ChatInfo, client: Optional[Client]) -> None:
if self.is_direct:
self.other_user = conv.participants[0].id
if self._main_intent is self.az.intent:
self._main_intent = (await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(self.other_user)).intent
for participant in conv.participants:
# REMINDER: multi-user chats include your own LINE user in the participant list
if participant.id != None:
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(participant.id, client)
await puppet.update_info(participant, client)
self.log.warning(f"Could not find ID of LINE user {participant.name}")
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_profile(participant, client)
# TODO Consider setting no room name for non-group chats.
# But then the LINE bot itself may appear in the title...
changed = await self._update_name(f"{conv.name} (LINE)")
if client:
if not self.is_direct:
changed = await self._update_icon(conv.icon, client) or changed
elif puppet and puppet.avatar_mxc != self.icon_mxc:
changed = True
self.icon_mxc = puppet.avatar_mxc
if self.mxid:
await self.main_intent.set_room_avatar(self.mxid, self.icon_mxc)
if changed:
await self.update_bridge_info()
await self.update()
# NOTE Don't call this yet, lest puppets join earlier than
# when their user actually joined or sent a message.
#await self._update_participants(conv.participants)
async def _update_name(self, name: str) -> bool:
if self.name != name:
self.name = name
if self.mxid:
await self.main_intent.set_room_name(self.mxid, name)
return True
return False
async def _update_icon(self, icon: Optional[PathImage], client: Client) -> bool:
if icon:
if icon.url and not icon.path:
self.log.warn(f"Using URL as path for room icon of {self.name}")
icon_path = icon_url = icon.url
icon_path = icon.path
icon_url = icon.url
icon_path = icon_url = None
if icon_path != self.icon_path:
self.log.info(f"Updating room icon of {self.name}")
self.icon_path = icon_path
if icon_url:
resp = await client.read_image(icon.url)
self.icon_mxc = await self.main_intent.upload_media(resp.data, mime_type=resp.mime)
self.icon_mxc = ContentURI("")
if self.mxid:
await self.main_intent.set_room_avatar(self.mxid, self.icon_mxc)
except Exception as e:
self.log.exception(f"Failed to set room icon: {e}")
return True
self.log.debug(f"No need to update room icon of {self.name}, new icon has same path as old one")
return False
async def _update_participants(self, participants: List[Participant]) -> None:
if not self.mxid:
# Store the current member list to prevent unnecessary updates
current_members = set()
for participant in participants:
participant.id if participant.id != None else \
(await p.Puppet.get_by_profile(participant)).mid)
if current_members == self._last_participant_update:
self.log.trace("Not updating participants: list matches cached list")
self._last_participant_update = current_members
# TODO When supporting multiple bridge users, do this per user
forbid_own_puppets = \
not self.invite_own_puppet_to_pm or \
(await u.User.get_by_mxid(self.config["bridge.user"], False)).intent is not None
# Make sure puppets who should be here are here
for participant in participants:
if forbid_own_puppets and p.Puppet.is_mid_for_own_puppet(participant.id):
intent = (await p.Puppet.get_by_sender(participant)).intent
await intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
# Kick puppets who shouldn't be here
for user_id in await self.main_intent.get_room_members(self.mxid):
if user_id == self.az.bot_mxid:
if forbid_own_puppets and not self.needs_bridgebot:
await self.az.intent.leave_room(self.mxid)
mid = p.Puppet.get_id_from_mxid(user_id)
is_own_puppet = p.Puppet.is_mid_for_own_puppet(mid)
if mid and mid not in current_members and not is_own_puppet:
await self.main_intent.kick_user(self.mxid, user_id,
reason="User had left this chat")
elif forbid_own_puppets and is_own_puppet:
await self.main_intent.kick_user(self.mxid, user_id,
reason="Kicking own puppet")
async def backfill(self, source: 'u.User') -> None:
with self.backfill_lock:
await self._backfill(source)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to backfill portal")
async def _backfill(self, source: 'u.User') -> None:
self.log.debug("Backfilling history through %s", source.mxid)
max_mid = await DBMessage.get_max_mid(self.mxid) or 0
messages = [msg for msg in await source.client.get_messages(self.chat_id)
if msg.id > max_mid]
if not messages:
self.log.debug("Didn't get any entries from server")
self.log.debug("Got %d messages from server", len(messages))
async with NotificationDisabler(self.mxid, source):
for evt in messages:
await self.handle_remote_message(source, evt)
self.log.info("Backfilled %d messages through %s", len(messages), source.mxid)
def bridge_info_state_key(self) -> str:
return f"net.miscworks.line://line/{self.chat_id}"
def bridge_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"bridgebot": self.az.bot_mxid,
"creator": self.main_intent.mxid,
"protocol": {
"id": "line",
"displayname": "LINE",
"avatar_url": self.config["appservice.bot_avatar"],
"channel": {
"id": self.chat_id,
"displayname": self.name,
async def update_bridge_info(self) -> None:
if not self.mxid:
self.log.debug("Not updating bridge info: no Matrix room created")
self.log.debug("Updating bridge info...")
await self.main_intent.send_state_event(self.mxid, StateBridge,
self.bridge_info, self.bridge_info_state_key)
# TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
await self.main_intent.send_state_event(self.mxid, StateHalfShotBridge,
self.bridge_info, self.bridge_info_state_key)
except Exception:
self.log.warning("Failed to update bridge info", exc_info=True)
async def update_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> Optional[RoomID]:
await self._update_matrix_room(source, info)
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Failed to update portal")
async def create_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> Optional[RoomID]:
if self.mxid:
await self.update_matrix_room(source, info)
return self.mxid
async with self._create_room_lock:
return await self._create_matrix_room(source, info)
async def _update_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> None:
await self.main_intent.invite_user(self.mxid, source.mxid, check_cache=True)
puppet = await p.Puppet.get_by_custom_mxid(source.mxid)
if puppet and puppet.intent:
await puppet.intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
await self.update_info(info, source.client)
await self.backfill(source)
await self._update_participants(info.participants)
async def _create_matrix_room(self, source: 'u.User', info: ChatInfo) -> Optional[RoomID]:
if self.mxid:
await self._update_matrix_room(source, info)
return self.mxid
await self.update_info(info, source.client)
self.log.debug("Creating Matrix room")
name: Optional[str] = None
initial_state = [{
"type": str(StateBridge),
"state_key": self.bridge_info_state_key,
"content": self.bridge_info,
}, {
# TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
"type": str(StateHalfShotBridge),
"state_key": self.bridge_info_state_key,
"content": self.bridge_info,
invites = [source.mxid]
if self.config["bridge.encryption.default"] and self.matrix.e2ee:
self.encrypted = True
"type": str(EventType.ROOM_ENCRYPTION),
"content": {"algorithm": "m.megolm.v1.aes-sha2"},
if self.is_direct:
# NOTE Set the room title even for direct chats, because
# the LINE bot itself may appear in the title otherwise.
#if self.encrypted or not self.is_direct:
name = self.name
if self.config["appservice.community_id"]:
"type": "m.room.related_groups",
"content": {"groups": [self.config["appservice.community_id"]]},
"type": str(EventType.ROOM_POWER_LEVELS),
"content": {
"users": {
self.az.bot_mxid: 100,
self.main_intent.mxid: 100,
source.mxid: 25,
"events": {
str(EventType.REACTION): 100,
str(EventType.ROOM_ENCRYPTION): 25,
if self.icon_mxc:
"type": str(EventType.ROOM_AVATAR),
"content": {
"url": self.icon_mxc
# We lock backfill lock here so any messages that come between the room being created
# and the initial backfill finishing wouldn't be bridged before the backfill messages.
with self.backfill_lock:
self.mxid = await self.main_intent.create_room(name=name, is_direct=self.is_direct,
if not self.mxid:
raise Exception("Failed to create room: no mxid returned")
if self.needs_bridgebot:
await self.az.intent.ensure_joined(self.mxid)
except Exception:
self.log.warning("Failed to add bridge bot "
f"to new private chat {self.mxid}")
await self.update()
self.log.debug(f"Matrix room created: {self.mxid}")
self.by_mxid[self.mxid] = self
await self.backfill(source)
if not self.is_direct:
# TODO Joins and leaves are (usually) shown after all, so track them properly.
# In the meantime, just check the participants list after backfilling.
await self._update_participants(info.participants)
return self.mxid
async def postinit(self) -> None:
self.by_chat_id[self.chat_id] = self
if self.mxid:
self.by_mxid[self.mxid] = self
if self.other_user:
self._main_intent = (await p.Puppet.get_by_mid(self.other_user)).intent
self._main_intent = self.az.intent
async def delete(self) -> None:
if self.mxid:
# TODO Handle this with db foreign keys instead
await DBMessage.delete_all(self.mxid)
self.by_chat_id.pop(self.chat_id, None)
self.by_mxid.pop(self.mxid, None)
await super().delete()
async def save(self) -> None:
await self.update()
async def all_with_room(cls) -> AsyncGenerator['Portal', None]:
portals = await super().all_with_room()
portal: cls
for index, portal in enumerate(portals):
yield cls.by_chat_id[portal.chat_id]
except KeyError:
await portal.postinit()
yield portal
async def get_by_mxid(cls, mxid: RoomID) -> Optional['Portal']:
return cls.by_mxid[mxid]
except KeyError:
portal = cast(cls, await super().get_by_mxid(mxid))
if portal is not None:
await portal.postinit()
return portal
return None
async def get_by_chat_id(cls, chat_id: str, create: bool = False) -> Optional['Portal']:
return cls.by_chat_id[chat_id]
except KeyError:
portal = cast(cls, await super().get_by_chat_id(chat_id))
if portal is not None:
await portal.postinit()
return portal
if create:
portal = cls(chat_id)
await portal.insert()
await portal.postinit()
return portal
return None