* A KakaoTalk account on a smartphone (Android or iOS)
## Optional requirements
* Native dependencies for [end-to-bridge](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/general/end-to-bridge-encryption.html): https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/python/optional-dependencies.html#all-python-bridges
## Initial setup
### node-kakao module
1.`cd` to the `node` directory and run `npm install`
1. Copy `node/example-config.json` to `node/config.json`
1. Edit `node/config.json` with desired settings (see [node/README.md](node/README.md) for details)
### Bridge module
1.`cd` to the repository root and create a Python virtual environment with `python3 -m venv .venv`, and enter it with `source .venv/bin/activate`
1. Install Python requirements:
*`pip install -Ur requirements.txt` for base functionality
*`pip install -Ur optional-requirements.txt` for [end-to-bridge](https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/general/end-to-bridge-encryption.html) encryption and metrics
* Note that end-to-bridge encryption requires some native dependencies. For details, see https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/python/optional-dependencies.html#all-python-bridges
1. Copy `matrix_appservice_kakaotalk/example-config.yaml` to `config.yaml`, and update it with the proper settings to connect to your homeserver
* In particular, be sure to set the `rpc.connection` settings to use the socket you chose in `node/config.json`