// mautrix-line - A very hacky Matrix-LINE bridge based on running LINE's Chrome extension in Puppeteer // Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Tulir Asokan, Andrew Ferrazzutti // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . import process from "process" import path from "path" import puppeteer from "puppeteer" import chrono from "chrono-node" import TaskQueue from "./taskqueue.js" import { sleep } from "./util.js" export default class MessagesPuppeteer { static profileDir = "./profiles" static executablePath = undefined static disableDebug = false static noSandbox = false //static viewport = { width: 1920, height: 1080 } static url = undefined static extensionDir = 'extension_files' /** * * @param {string} id * @param {?Client} [client] */ constructor(id, client = null) { let profilePath = path.join(MessagesPuppeteer.profileDir, id) if (!profilePath.startsWith("/")) { profilePath = path.join(process.cwd(), profilePath) } this.id = id this.profilePath = profilePath this.updatedChats = new Set() this.sentMessageIDs = new Set() this.mostRecentMessages = new Map() this.taskQueue = new TaskQueue(this.id) this.client = client } log(...text) { console.log(`[Puppeteer/${this.id}]`, ...text) } error(...text) { console.error(`[Puppeteer/${this.id}]`, ...text) } /** * Start the browser and open the messages for web page. * This must be called before doing anything else. */ async start() { this.log("Launching browser") const extensionArgs = [ `--disable-extensions-except=${MessagesPuppeteer.extensionDir}`, `--load-extension=${MessagesPuppeteer.extensionDir}` ] this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({ executablePath: MessagesPuppeteer.executablePath, userDataDir: this.profilePath, args: MessagesPuppeteer.noSandbox ? extensionArgs.concat("--no-sandbox") : extensionArgs, headless: false, // Needed to load extensions defaultViewport: MessagesPuppeteer.viewport, }) this.log("Opening new tab") const pages = await this.browser.pages() if (pages.length > 0) { this.page = pages[0] } else { this.page = await this.browser.newPage() } this.log("Opening", MessagesPuppeteer.url) await this.page.setBypassCSP(true) // Needed to load content scripts await this._preparePage(true) this.log("Exposing functions") await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveQR", this._receiveQRChange.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixSendEmailCredentials", this._sendEmailCredentials.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceivePIN", this._receivePIN.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixExpiry", this._receiveExpiry.bind(this)) /* TODO await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveMessageID", id => this.sentMessageIDs.add(id)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveChanges", this._receiveChatListChanges.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__chronoParseDate", chrono.parseDate) */ // NOTE Must *always* re-login on a browser session, so no need to check if already logged in this.loginRunning = false this.loginCancelled = false this.taskQueue.start() this.log("Startup complete") } async _preparePage(navigateTo) { if (navigateTo) { await this.page.goto(MessagesPuppeteer.url) } else { await this.page.reload() } this.log("Injecting content script") await this.page.addScriptTag({ path: "./src/contentscript.js", type: "module" }) } /** * Wait for the session to be logged in and monitor changes while it's not. */ async waitForLogin(login_type, login_data) { if (await this.isLoggedIn()) { return } this.loginRunning = true const loginContentArea = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_content") switch (login_type) { case "qr": { this.log("Running QR login") const qrButton = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_qr_btn") await qrButton.click() const qrElement = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_qrcode_area div[title]", {visible: true}) const currentQR = await this.page.evaluate(element => element.title, qrElement) this._receiveQRChange(currentQR) await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addQRChangeObserver(element), qrElement) await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addQRAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) break } case "email": { this.log("Running email login") if (!login_data) { this._sendLoginFailure("No login credentials provided for email login") return } const emailButton = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_email_btn") await emailButton.click() await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_email_area", {visible: true}) this.login_email = login_data["email"] this.login_password = login_data["password"] await this._sendEmailCredentials() await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addEmailAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) break } // TODO Phone number login default: this._sendLoginFailure(`Invalid login type: ${login_type}`) return } await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addPINAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) await this.page.$eval("#layer_contents", element => window.__mautrixController.addExpiryObserver(element)) this.log("Waiting for login response") let doneWaiting = false let loginSuccess = false const cancelableResolve = (promiseFn) => { const executor = (resolve, reject) => { promiseFn().then( value => { doneWaiting = true resolve(value) }, reason => { if (!doneWaiting) { setTimeout(executor, 1000, resolve, reject) } else { resolve() } } ) } return new Promise(executor) } const result = await Promise.race([ () => this.page.waitForSelector("#wrap_message_sync", {timeout: 2000}) .then(value => { loginSuccess = true return value }), () => this.page.waitForSelector("#login_incorrect", {visible: true, timeout: 2000}) .then(value => this.page.evaluate(element => element.innerText, value)), () => this._waitForLoginCancel(), ].map(promiseFn => cancelableResolve(promiseFn))) this.log("Removing observers") await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeQRChangeObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeQRAppearObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeEmailAppearObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removePINAppearObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeExpiryObserver()) delete this.login_email delete this.login_password if (!loginSuccess) { this._sendLoginFailure(result) return } this.log("Waiting for sync") try { await this.page.waitForFunction( messageSyncElement => { const text = messageSyncElement.innerText return text == 'Syncing messages... 100%' }, {}, result) this.loginRunning = false await this.startObserving() this.log("Login complete") } catch (err) { this._sendLoginFailure(`Failed to sync: ${err}`) } } /** * Cancel an ongoing login attempt. */ async cancelLogin() { if (this.loginRunning) { this.loginRunning = false this.loginCancelled = true await this._preparePage(false) } } _waitForLoginCancel() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.loginCancelled) { this.loginCancelled = false resolve() } else { reject() } }) } /** * Close the browser. */ async stop() { this.taskQueue.stop() if (this.page) { await this.page.close() } if (this.browser) { await this.browser.close() } this.log("Everything stopped") } /** * Check if the session is currently logged in. * * @return {Promise} - Whether or not the session is logged in. */ async isLoggedIn() { return await this.page.$("#wrap_message_sync") !== null } async isPermanentlyDisconnected() { // TODO //return await this.page.$("mw-unable-to-connect-container") !== null return false } async isOpenSomewhereElse() { /* TODO try { const text = await this.page.$eval("mws-dialog mat-dialog-content div", elem => elem.textContent) return text?.trim() === "Messages for web is open in more than one tab or browser" } catch (err) { return false } */ return false } async isDisconnected() { if (!await this.isLoggedIn()) { return true } /* TODO const offlineIndicators = await Promise.all([ this.page.$("mw-main-nav mw-banner mw-error-banner"), this.page.$("mw-main-nav mw-banner mw-information-banner[title='Connecting']"), this.page.$("mw-unable-to-connect-container"), this.isOpenSomewhereElse(), ]) return offlineIndicators.some(indicator => Boolean(indicator)) */ return false } /** * Get the IDs of the most recent chats. * * @return {Promise<[ChatListInfo]>} - List of chat IDs in order of most recent message. */ async getRecentChats() { /* TODO return await this.page.$eval("mws-conversations-list .conv-container", elem => window.__mautrixController.parseChatList(elem)) */ return null } /** * @typedef ChatInfo * @type object * @property {[Participant]} participants * @property {boolean} readonly */ /** * Get info about a chat. * * @param {number} id - The chat ID whose info to get. * @return {Promise} - Info about the chat. */ async getChatInfo(id) { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._getChatInfoUnsafe(id)) } /** * Send a message to a chat. * * @param {number} chatID - The ID of the chat to send a message to. * @param {string} text - The text to send. * @return {Promise<{id: number}>} - The ID of the sent message. */ async sendMessage(chatID, text) { return { id: await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._sendMessageUnsafe(chatID, text)) } } /** * Get messages in a chat. * * @param {number} id The ID of the chat whose messages to get. * @return {Promise<[MessageData]>} - The messages visible in the chat. */ async getMessages(id) { return this.taskQueue.push(async () => { const messages = await this._getMessagesUnsafe(id) if (messages.length > 0) { this.mostRecentMessages.set(id, messages[messages.length - 1].id) } for (const message of messages) { message.chat_id = id } return messages }) } setLastMessageIDs(ids) { for (const [chatID, messageID] of Object.entries(ids)) { this.mostRecentMessages.set(+chatID, messageID) } this.log("Updated most recent message ID map:", this.mostRecentMessages) } async startObserving() { this.log("Adding chat list observer") await this.page.$eval("#wrap_chat_list", element => window.__mautrixController.addChatListObserver(element)) } async stopObserving() { this.log("Removing chat list observer") await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeChatListObserver()) } _listItemSelector(id) { // TODO //return `mws-conversation-list-item > a.list-item[href="/web/conversations/${id}"]` return '' } async _switchChatUnsafe(id) { this.log("Switching to chat", id) await this.page.click(this._listItemSelector(id)) } async _getChatInfoUnsafe(id) { await this._switchChatUnsafe(id) await this.page.waitForSelector("mw-conversation-menu button", { timeout: 500 }) await this.page.click("mw-conversation-menu button") await this.page.waitForSelector(".mat-menu-panel button.mat-menu-item.details", { timeout: 500 }) const readonly = await this.page.$("mw-conversation-container .compose-readonly") !== null // There's a 250ms animation and I don't know how to wait for it properly await sleep(250) await this.page.click(".mat-menu-panel button.mat-menu-item.details") await this.page.waitForSelector("mws-dialog mw-conversation-details .participants", { timeout: 500 }) const participants = await this.page.$eval( "mws-dialog mw-conversation-details .participants", elem => window.__mautrixController.parseParticipantList(elem)) await this.page.click("mws-dialog mat-dialog-actions button.confirm") return { participants, readonly, ...await this.page.$eval(this._listItemSelector(id), elem => window.__mautrixController.parseChatListItem(elem)), } } async _sendMessageUnsafe(chatID, text) { await this._switchChatUnsafe(chatID) await this.page.focus("mws-message-compose .input-box textarea") await this.page.keyboard.type(text) await this.page.click(".compose-container > mws-message-send-button > button") const id = await this.page.$eval("mws-message-wrapper.outgoing[msg-id^='tmp_']", elem => window.__mautrixController.waitForMessage(elem)) this.log("Successfully sent message", id, "to", chatID) return id } async _getMessagesUnsafe(id, minID = 0) { await this._switchChatUnsafe(id) this.log("Waiting for messages to load") await this.page.waitFor("mws-message-wrapper") const messages = await this.page.$eval("mws-messages-list .content", element => window.__mautrixController.parseMessageList(element)) return messages.filter(msg => msg.id > minID && !this.sentMessageIDs.has(msg.id)) } async _processChatListChangeUnsafe(id) { this.updatedChats.delete(id) this.log("Processing change to", id) const lastMsgID = this.mostRecentMessages.get(id) || 0 const messages = await this._getMessagesUnsafe(id, lastMsgID) if (messages.length === 0) { this.log("No new messages found in", id) return } const newFirstID = messages[0].id const newLastID = messages[messages.length - 1].id this.mostRecentMessages.set(id, newLastID) const range = newFirstID === newLastID ? newFirstID : `${newFirstID}-${newLastID}` this.log(`Loaded ${messages.length} messages in ${id} after ${lastMsgID}: got ${range}`) if (this.client) { for (const message of messages) { message.chat_id = id await this.client.sendMessage(message).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send message", message.id, "to client:", err)) } } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending messages") } } _receiveChatListChanges(changes) { this.log("Received chat list changes:", changes) for (const item of changes) { if (!this.updatedChats.has(item)) { this.updatedChats.add(item) this.taskQueue.push(() => this._processChatListChangeUnsafe(item)) .catch(err => this.error("Error handling chat list changes:", err)) } } } async _sendEmailCredentials() { this.log("Inputting login credentials") // Triple-click input fields to select all existing text and replace it on type let input input = await this.page.$("#line_login_email") await input.click({clickCount: 3}) await input.type(this.login_email) input = await this.page.$("#line_login_pwd") await input.click({clickCount: 3}) await input.type(this.login_password) await this.page.click("button#login_btn") } _receiveQRChange(url) { if (this.client) { this.client.sendQRCode(url).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send new QR to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending new QR") } } _receivePIN(pin) { if (this.client) { this.client.sendPIN(`Your PIN is: ${pin}`).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send new PIN to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending new PIN") } } _sendLoginFailure(reason) { this.loginRunning = false this.error(`Login failure: ${reason ? reason : 'cancelled'}`) if (this.client) { this.client.sendFailure(reason).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send failure reason to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending failure reason") } } async _receiveExpiry(button) { this.log("Something expired, clicking OK button to continue") await this.page.click(button) } }