// matrix-puppeteer-line - A very hacky Matrix-LINE bridge based on running LINE's Chrome extension in Puppeteer // Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Tulir Asokan, Andrew Ferrazzutti // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . import process from "process" import path from "path" import { exec, execSync } from "child_process" import puppeteer from "puppeteer" import chrono from "chrono-node" import TaskQueue from "./taskqueue.js" import { sleep } from "./util.js" import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc.js'; import timezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone.js'; export default class MessagesPuppeteer { static profileDir = "./profiles" static executablePath = undefined static cycleDelay = 5000 static useXdotool = false static jiggleDelay = 30000 static devtools = false static noSandbox = false static viewport = { width: 960, height: 840 } static url = undefined static extensionDir = "extension_files" static timeZone = "Asia/Taipei" /** * * @param {string} id * @param {?Client} [client] */ constructor(id, ownID, sendPlaceholders, client = null) { let profilePath = path.join(MessagesPuppeteer.profileDir, id) if (!profilePath.startsWith("/")) { profilePath = path.join(process.cwd(), profilePath) } this.id = id this.ownID = ownID this.windowID = null this.sendPlaceholders = sendPlaceholders this.profilePath = profilePath this.updatedChats = new Set() this.mostRecentMessages = new Map() this.mostRecentOwnMessages = new Map() this.mostRecentReceipts = new Map() this.numChatNotifications = new Map() this.cycleTimerID = null this.jiggleTimerID = null this.taskQueue = new TaskQueue(this.id) this.client = client } log(...text) { console.log(`[Puppeteer/${this.id}]`, ...text) } error(...text) { console.error(`[Puppeteer/${this.id}]`, ...text) } /** * Start the browser and open the messages for web page. * This must be called before doing anything else. */ async start() { this.log("Launching browser") const args = [ `--disable-extensions-except=${MessagesPuppeteer.extensionDir}`, `--load-extension=${MessagesPuppeteer.extensionDir}`, `--window-size=${MessagesPuppeteer.viewport.width},${MessagesPuppeteer.viewport.height + 120}`, ] if (MessagesPuppeteer.noSandbox) { args.push(`--no-sandbox`) } this.browser = await puppeteer.launch({ executablePath: MessagesPuppeteer.executablePath, userDataDir: this.profilePath, args: args, headless: false, // Needed to load extensions defaultViewport: MessagesPuppeteer.viewport, devtools: MessagesPuppeteer.devtools, timeout: 0, }) this.log("Opening new tab") const pages = await this.browser.pages() if (pages.length > 0) { this.page = pages[0] } else { this.page = await this.browser.newPage() } { this.log("Finding extension UUID") await this.page.goto("chrome://system") const selector = "#extensions-value" await this.page.waitForSelector(selector, 0) const lineDetails = await this.page.$eval(selector, e => e.innerText) const uuid = lineDetails.match(/(.*) : LINE : version/)[1] this.log(`Found extension UUID ${uuid}`) MessagesPuppeteer.url = `chrome-extension://${uuid}/index.html` } this.blankPage = await this.browser.newPage() if (MessagesPuppeteer.useXdotool) { this.log("Finding window ID") const buffer = execSync("xdotool search 'about:blank'") this.windowID = Number.parseInt(buffer) this.log(`Found window ID ${this.windowID}`) } this.log(`Opening ${MessagesPuppeteer.url}`) await this.page.setBypassCSP(true) // Needed to load content scripts await this._preparePage(true) this.log("Exposing functions") await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixLog", this.log.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixError", this.error.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveQR", this._receiveQRChange.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixSendEmailCredentials", this._sendEmailCredentials.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceivePIN", this._receivePIN.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveChanges", this._receiveChatListChanges.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveMessages", this._receiveMessages.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveReceiptDirectLatest", this._receiveReceiptDirectLatest.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixReceiveReceiptMulti", this._receiveReceiptMulti.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__mautrixLoggedOut", this._onLoggedOut.bind(this)) await this.page.exposeFunction("__chronoParseDate", chrono.parseDate) await this.page.exposeFunction("__tryParseDateByTimeZone", this._tryParseDateByTimeZone.bind(this)) // NOTE Must *always* re-login on a browser session, so no need to check if already logged in this.loginRunning = false this.loginCancelled = false this.taskQueue.start() this.log("Startup complete") } async _tryParseDateByTimeZone(text, ref, option) { const localTz = MessagesPuppeteer.timeZone // This is the ISO string dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); const localTime = dayjs.tz(new Date(), localTz) const localOffset = localTime.utcOffset() // returns in minutes const custom = chrono.casual.clone() custom.refiners.push({ refine: (results) => { Array.from(results).forEach((result) => { // Returns the time with the offset in included (must use minutes) result.start.imply('timezoneOffset', localOffset) result.end && result.end.imply('timezoneOffset', localOffset) }) return results }}) const parsed = custom.parseDate(text, ref, option) this.log(`parsed ${parsed}`) return parsed } async _preparePage(navigateTo) { await this.page.bringToFront() if (navigateTo) { await this.page.goto(MessagesPuppeteer.url) } else { await this.page.reload() } this.log("Injecting content script") await this.page.addScriptTag({ path: "./src/contentscript.js", type: "module" }) } async _interactWithPage(promiser) { await this.page.bringToFront() try { await promiser() } catch (e) { this.error(`Error while interacting with page: ${e}`) throw e } finally { await this.blankPage.bringToFront() } } async _retryUntilSuccess(numTries, failMessage, fn, ...args) { while (true) { try { await fn(...args) return } catch (e) { if (numTries && --numTries == 0) { throw e } else if (failMessage) { this.log(failMessage) } } } } /** * Set the contents of a text input field to the given text. * Works by triple-clicking the input field to select all existing text, to replace it on type. * * @param {ElementHandle} inputElement - The input element to type into. * @param {string} text - The text to input. */ async _enterText(inputElement, text) { await inputElement.click({ clickCount: 3 }) await inputElement.type(text) } /** * Wait for the session to be logged in and monitor changes while it's not. */ async waitForLogin(login_type, login_data) { if (await this.isLoggedIn()) { return } this.loginRunning = true await this.page.bringToFront() const loginContentArea = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_content") switch (login_type) { case "qr": { this.log("Running QR login") const qrButton = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_qr_btn") await qrButton.click() const qrElement = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_qrcode_area div[title]", { visible: true }) const currentQR = await this.page.evaluate(element => element.title, qrElement) this._receiveQRChange(currentQR) await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addQRChangeObserver(element), qrElement) await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addQRAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) break } case "email": { this.log("Running email login") if (!login_data) { this._sendLoginFailure("No login credentials provided for email login") return } const emailButton = await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_email_btn") await emailButton.click() await this.page.waitForSelector("#login_email_area", { visible: true }) this.login_email = login_data["email"] this.login_password = login_data["password"] await this._sendEmailCredentials() await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addEmailAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) break } default: this._sendLoginFailure(`Invalid login type: ${login_type}`) return } await this.page.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.addPINAppearObserver(element), loginContentArea) this.log("Waiting for login response") let doneWaiting = false let loginSuccess = false const cancelableResolve = (promiseFn) => { const executor = (resolve, reject) => { promiseFn().then( value => { doneWaiting = true resolve(value) }, reason => { if (!doneWaiting) { setTimeout(executor, 1000, resolve, reject) } else { resolve() } } ) } return new Promise(executor) } const result = await Promise.race([ () => this.page.waitForSelector("#mainApp:not(.MdNonDisp)", { timeout: 2000 }) .then(value => { loginSuccess = true return value }), () => this.page.waitForSelector("#login_incorrect", { visible: true, timeout: 2000 }) .then(value => this.page.evaluate(element => element?.innerText, value)), () => this._waitForLoginCancel(), ].map(promiseFn => cancelableResolve(promiseFn))) if (!this.loginCancelled) { this.log("Removing observers") // TODO __mautrixController is undefined when cancelling, why? await this.page.evaluate(ownID => window.__mautrixController.setOwnID(ownID), this.ownID) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeQRChangeObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeQRAppearObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removeEmailAppearObserver()) await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.removePINAppearObserver()) } else { this.loginCancelled = false } delete this.login_email delete this.login_password const messageSyncElement = loginSuccess ? await this.page.waitForSelector("#wrap_message_sync") : null if (!loginSuccess || !messageSyncElement) { this._sendLoginFailure(result) return } this._sendLoginSuccess() this.log("Waiting for sync") try { await this.page.waitForFunction( messageSyncElement => { const text = messageSyncElement.innerText return text.startsWith("Syncing messages...") && (text.endsWith("100%") || text.endsWith("NaN%")) // TODO Sometimes it gets stuck at 99%...?? }, { timeout: 10000 }, // Assume 10 seconds is long enough messageSyncElement) } catch (err) { //this._sendLoginFailure(`Failed to sync: ${err}`) this.log("LINE's sync took too long, assume it's fine and carry on...") } finally { const syncText = await messageSyncElement.evaluate(e => e.innerText) this.log(`Final sync text is: "${syncText}"`) } this.loginRunning = false await this.blankPage.bringToFront() this.log("Login complete") } /** * Cancel an ongoing login attempt. */ async cancelLogin() { if (this.loginRunning) { this.loginRunning = false this.loginCancelled = true await this._preparePage(false) } } _waitForLoginCancel() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.loginCancelled) { resolve() } else { reject() } }) } /** * Close the browser. */ async stop() { this.stopObserving() this.taskQueue.stop() if (this.page) { await this.page.close() } if (this.browser) { await this.browser.close() } this.log("Everything stopped") } /** * Check if the session is currently logged in. * * @return {Promise} - Whether or not the session is logged in. */ async isLoggedIn() { if (!this.page) { return false } const selectors = [ "#mainApp:not(.MdNonDisp)", "#wrap_message_sync", "#_chat_list_body", ] for (const selector of selectors) { if (await this.page.$(selector) == null) { return false } } return true } async isPermanentlyDisconnected() { // TODO //return await this.page.$("mw-unable-to-connect-container") !== null return false } async isOpenSomewhereElse() { /* TODO try { const text = await this.page.$eval("mws-dialog mat-dialog-content div", elem => elem.textContent) return text?.trim() === "Messages for web is open in more than one tab or browser" } catch (err) { return false } */ return false } async isDisconnected() { if (!await this.isLoggedIn()) { return true } /* TODO const offlineIndicators = await Promise.all([ this.page.$("mw-main-nav mw-banner mw-error-banner"), this.page.$("mw-main-nav mw-banner mw-information-banner[title='Connecting']"), this.page.$("mw-unable-to-connect-container"), this.isOpenSomewhereElse(), ]) return offlineIndicators.some(indicator => Boolean(indicator)) */ return false } /** * Get all contacts in the Friends list. * * @return {Promise} */ async getContacts() { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.parseFriendsList())) } /** * Get the IDs of the most recent chats. * * @return {Promise} - List of chat IDs in order of most recent message. */ async getRecentChats() { return await this.taskQueue.push(async () => { await this._visitJoinedNonrecentGroups() return await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.parseChatList()) }) } /** * Visit all groups that aren't in the list of recent chats. * Doing so will put them in that list, so they will be included in syncs. * * TODO Instead of visiting the groups, just sync the groups' metadata, and * lazy-create portals for them via GET /_matrix/app/v1/rooms/{roomAlias}. * But that requires portals to have an alias! Use the chat ID for that. */ async _visitJoinedNonrecentGroups() { // Group list is only populated once it's viewed! await this.page.$eval("#leftSide li[data-type=groups_list] > button", e => e.click()) await this.page.waitForSelector("#wrap_group_list > div.MdScroll") const groupIDs = await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.getJoinedNonrecentGroupIDs()) for (const groupID of groupIDs) { await this._switchChat(groupID) } await this.page.$eval("#leftSide li[data-type=chats_list] > button", e => e.click()) } /** * @typedef ChatInfo * @type object * @property {Participant[]} participants */ /** * Get info about a chat. * * @param {string} chatID - The chat ID whose info to get. * @param {boolean} forceView - Whether the LINE tab should always be viewed, even if the chat is already active. * @return {Promise} - Info about the chat. */ async getChatInfo(chatID, forceView) { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._getChatInfoUnsafe(chatID, forceView)) } /** * Send a message to a chat. * * @param {string} chatID - The ID of the chat to send a message to. * @param {string} text - The text to send. * @return {Promise<{id: number}>} - The ID of the sent message. */ async sendMessage(chatID, text) { return { id: await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._sendMessageUnsafe(chatID, text)) } } /** * Get messages in a chat. * * @param {string} chatID The ID of the chat whose messages to get. * @return {Promise} - New messages and receipts synced fron the chat. */ async getMessages(chatID) { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._getMessagesUnsafe(chatID)) } setLastMessageIDs(msgIDs, ownMsgIDs, rctIDs) { this.mostRecentMessages.clear() for (const [chatID, messageID] of Object.entries(msgIDs)) { this.mostRecentMessages.set(chatID, messageID) } this.log("Updated most recent message ID map:") this.log(JSON.stringify(msgIDs)) for (const [chatID, messageID] of Object.entries(ownMsgIDs)) { this.mostRecentOwnMessages.set(chatID, messageID) } this.log("Updated most recent own message ID map:") this.log(JSON.stringify(ownMsgIDs)) this.mostRecentReceipts.clear() for (const [chatID, receipts] of Object.entries(rctIDs)) { const receiptMap = this._getReceiptMap(chatID) for (const [count, receiptID] of Object.entries(receipts)) { receiptMap.set(+count, receiptID) } } this.log("Updated most recent receipt ID map") for (const [chatID, receiptMap] of this.mostRecentReceipts) { this.log(`${chatID}:`) for (const [count, receiptID] of receiptMap) { this.log(`Read by ${count}: ${receiptID}`) } } } forgetChat(chatID) { this.mostRecentMessages.delete(chatID) this.mostRecentOwnMessages.delete(chatID) this.mostRecentReceipts.delete(chatID) // TODO Delete chat from recents list } async readImage(imageUrl) { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this.page.evaluate( url => window.__mautrixController.readImage(url), imageUrl)) } async sendFile(chatID, filePath) { return { id: await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._sendFileUnsafe(chatID, filePath)) } } _cycleTimerStart() { if (MessagesPuppeteer.cycleDelay < 0) { this.log("Chat cycling disabled") return } this.cycleTimerID = setTimeout( () => this.taskQueue.push(() => this._cycleChatUnsafe()), MessagesPuppeteer.cycleDelay) } async _cycleChatUnsafe() { this.log("Cycling chats") const initialID = this.cycleTimerID const currentChatID = await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.getCurrentChatID()) const chatList = await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.parseChatListForCycle()) // Add 1 to start at the chat after the currently-viewed one const offset = 1 + Math.max(chatList.findIndex(item => item.id == currentChatID), 0) // Visit next chat for which: // - there are no unread notifications // - the most recently-sent own message is not fully read let chatIDToSync for (let i = 0, n = chatList.length; i < n; i++) { const chatListItem = chatList[(i + offset) % n] if (chatListItem.notificationCount > 0) { // Chat has unread notifications, so don't view it continue } if (chatListItem.otherParticipantCount == 0) { // Chat has no other participants (must be a non-DM with only you), so nothing to sync continue } const mostRecentOwnMsgID = this.mostRecentOwnMessages.get(chatListItem.id) if (mostRecentOwnMsgID == undefined) { // Chat doesn't have any own messages, so no need to view it continue } const receiptMap = this._getReceiptMap(chatListItem.id) const mostRecentFullyReadMsgID = receiptMap.get(chatListItem.otherParticipantCount) if (mostRecentFullyReadMsgID == mostRecentOwnMsgID) { // Latest own message is fully-read, nothing to see here, move along continue } chatIDToSync = chatListItem.id this.log(`Viewing chat ${chatIDToSync} to check for new read receipts`) await this._syncChat(chatIDToSync) break } if (!chatIDToSync) { this.log("Found no chats in need of read receipt updates") } if (this.cycleTimerID == initialID) { this._cycleTimerStart() } } /** * Jiggle the mouse periodically. * Have to do this to keep the LINE extension "awake". Ridiculous, but necessary... */ _jiggleTimerStart() { this.jiggleTimerID = setTimeout(() => this._jiggleMouse(), MessagesPuppeteer.jiggleDelay) } _jiggleMouse() { const initialID = this.jiggleTimerID exec(`xdotool mousemove --sync --window ${this.windowID} 0 0`, {}, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { this.log(`Error while jiggling mouse: ${error}`) } if (this.jiggleTimerID == initialID) { this._jiggleTimerStart() } }) } async startObserving() { // TODO Highly consider syncing anything that was missed since stopObserving... const chatID = await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.getCurrentChatID()) this.log(`Adding observers for ${chatID || "empty chat"}, and global timers`) await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.addChatListObserver()) if (chatID) { await this.page.evaluate( (mostRecentMessage) => window.__mautrixController.addMsgListObserver(mostRecentMessage), this.mostRecentMessages.get(chatID)) } if (this.cycleTimerID == null) { this._cycleTimerStart() } if (MessagesPuppeteer.useXdotool && this.jiggleTimerID == null) { this._jiggleTimerStart() } } async stopObserving() { this.log("Removing observers and timers") await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.removeChatListObserver()) await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.removeMsgListObserver()) if (this.cycleTimerID != null) { clearTimeout(this.cycleTimerID) this.cycleTimerID = null } if (this.jiggleTimerID != null) { clearTimeout(this.jiggleTimerID) this.jiggleTimerID = null } } async getOwnProfile() { return await this.taskQueue.push(() => this._getOwnProfileUnsafe()) } async _getOwnProfileUnsafe() { // NOTE Will send a read receipt if a chat was in view! // Best to use this on startup when no chat is viewed. let ownProfile await this._interactWithPage(async () => { this.log("Opening settings view") await this.page.click("button.mdGHD01SettingBtn") await this.page.waitForSelector("#context_menu li#settings", { visible: true }).then(e => e.click()) await this.page.waitForSelector("#settings_contents", { visible: true }) this.log("Getting own profile info") ownProfile = { id: this.ownID, name: await this.page.$eval("#settings_basic_name_input", e => e.innerText), avatar: { path: null, url: await this.page.$eval(".mdCMN09ImgInput", e => { const imgStr = e.style?.getPropertyValue("background-image") const matches = imgStr.match(/url\("(blob:.*)"\)/) return matches?.length == 2 ? matches[1] : null }), }, } const backSelector = "#label_setting button" await this.page.click(backSelector) await this.page.waitForSelector(backSelector, { visible: false }) }) return ownProfile } _chatItemSelector(id) { return `#_chat_list_body div[data-chatid="${id}"]` } _friendItemSelector(id) { return `#contact_wrap_friends > ul > li[data-mid="${id}"]` } _groupItemSelector(id) { return `#joined_group_list_body > li[data-chatid="${id}"]` } _contactCountSelector() { return `#contact_wrap_friends .MdLFT04Head._contactlist_header span[id=contact_friend_count]` } async _getWholeContactResults(page, distance) { await page.bringToFront() await page.waitForSelector("#contact_wrap_friends > ul.MdCMN03List") const contactTotalCount = 0 this.log(` distance is ${distance}`) let incred = 0 const element = await page.$(this._contactCountSelector()) const foundContactCount = await element.evaluate( element => { return Number.parseInt(element?.innerText) || 0 }) this.log(` contact_friend_count is ${foundContactCount}`) //infiniting contact list scrolling while (incred <= distance) { if (foundContactCount <= contactTotalCount) { return } incred += 100 this.log(`scrollPosition at ${incred}/${distance}`) await page.evaluate(d => { const scrollableSection = document.querySelector("#contact_mode_contact_list"); scrollableSection.scrollTop = 300 + scrollableSection.offsetHeight + d; }, incred); } const $lis = await page.$$("#contact_wrap_friends > ul.MdCMN03List >li") //lookup lazy loading count const lis = $lis.slice(contactTotalCount, Math.Infinity) contactTotalCount = $lis.length } async _switchChat(chatID, forceView = false) { // TODO Allow passing in an element directly this.log(`Switching to chat ${chatID}`) let chatItem = await this.page.$(this._chatItemSelector(chatID)) let chatName if (!!chatItem) { chatName = await chatItem.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.getChatListItemName(element)) } const isCorrectChatVisible = (targetText) => { const chatHeader = document.querySelector("#_chat_header_area > .mdRGT04Link") if (!chatHeader) return false const chatHeaderTitleElement = chatHeader.querySelector(".mdRGT04Ttl") return chatHeaderTitleElement.innerText == targetText } if (!!chatItem && await this.page.evaluate(isCorrectChatVisible, chatName)) { if (!forceView) { this.log("Already viewing chat, no need to switch") } else { await this._interactWithPage(async () => { this.log("Already viewing chat, but got request to view it") this.page.waitForTimeout(500) }) } } else { this.log("Ensuring msg list observer is removed") const hadMsgListObserver = await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.removeMsgListObserver()) this.log(hadMsgListObserver ? "Observer was already removed" : "Removed observer") let switchedTabs = false let needRealClick = false if (!chatItem) { this.log(`Chat ${chatID} not in recents list`) if (chatID.charAt(0) != "u") { needRealClick = true const unselectedTabButton = await this.page.$(`#leftSide li[data-type=groups_list] > button:not(.ExSelected)`) if (unselectedTabButton) { switchedTabs = true await unselectedTabButton.evaluate(e => e.click()) await this.page.waitForSelector("#wrap_group_list > div.MdScroll") } chatItem = await this.page.$(this._groupItemSelector(chatID)) } else { needRealClick = true const unselectedTabButton = await this.page.$(`#leftSide li[data-type=friends_list] > button:not(.ExSelected)`) if (unselectedTabButton) { switchedTabs = true await unselectedTabButton.evaluate(e => e.click()) await this.page.waitForSelector("#wrap_contact_list > div.MdScroll") let ulstyleheight = await this.page.evaluate(() => { const ulList = document.querySelector('#contact_wrap_friends > ul.MdCMN03List') return getComputedStyle(ulList).getPropertyValue("height") }) const leg = parseInt(ulstyleheight, 10) this.log(`found contact_wrap_friends height is ${leg}px`) this.log(`starting to scroll to buttom`) await this._getWholeContactResults(this.page, leg) this.log(`finished to scroll to buttom`) } await this.page.waitForTimeout(300) chatItem = await this.page.$(this._friendItemSelector(chatID)) this.log(`Chat ${chatID} not in recents list, so bot is creating a new chat`) await this._interactWithPage(async () => { await chatItem.click() }) } if (!chatItem) { throw `Cannot find a ${type} with ID ${chatID}` } // Both functions are the same, but keep them separate in case the // HTML of friend/group item titles ever diverge chatName = await chatItem.evaluate( chatID.charAt(0) == "u" ? element => window.__mautrixController.getFriendsListItemName(element) : element => window.__mautrixController.getGroupListItemName(element)) } await this._retryUntilSuccess(3, "Clicking chat item didn't work...try again", async () => { this.log("Clicking chat item") if (!needRealClick) { await chatItem.evaluate(e => e.click()) } else { await this._interactWithPage(async () => { await chatItem.click() }) } this.log(`Waiting for chat header title to be "${chatName}"`) await this.page.waitForFunction( isCorrectChatVisible, { polling: "mutation", timeout: 1000 }, chatName) }) if (switchedTabs) { await this.page.$eval("#leftSide li[data-type=chats_list] > button", e => e.click()) } await this._interactWithPage(async () => { // Always show the chat details sidebar, as this makes life easier this.log("Waiting for detail area to be auto-hidden upon entering chat") await this.page.waitForFunction( detailArea => detailArea.childElementCount == 0, {}, await this.page.$("#_chat_detail_area")) await this._retryUntilSuccess(3, "Clicking chat header didn't work...try again", async () => { this.log("Clicking chat header to show detail area") await this.page.click("#_chat_header_area > .mdRGT04Link") this.log("Waiting for detail area") await this.page.waitForSelector("#_chat_detail_area > .mdRGT02Info", { timeout: 1000 }) }) }) this.log("Waiting for any item to appear in chat") try { await this.page.waitForSelector("#_chat_room_msg_list div", { timeout: 2000 }) this.log("Waiting for chat to stabilize") await this.page.evaluate(() => window.__mautrixController.waitForMessageListStability()) } catch (e) { this.log("No messages in chat found. Maybe no messages were ever sent yet?") } if (hadMsgListObserver) { this.log("Restoring msg list observer") await this.page.evaluate( (mostRecentMessage) => window.__mautrixController.addMsgListObserver(mostRecentMessage), this.mostRecentMessages.get(chatID)) } else { this.log("Not restoring msg list observer, as there never was one") } } } async _getChatInfoUnsafe(chatID, forceView) { // TODO Commonize this let [isDirect, isGroup, isRoom] = [false, false, false] switch (chatID.charAt(0)) { case "u": isDirect = true break case "c": isGroup = true break case "r": isRoom = true break } const chatListItem = await this.page.$(this._chatItemSelector(chatID)) if (!chatListItem) { if (isDirect) { const friendsListItem = await this.page.$(this._friendItemSelector(chatID)) if (!friendsListItem) { throw `Cannot find friend with ID ${chatID}` } const friendsListInfo = await friendsListItem.evaluate( (element, chatID) => window.__mautrixController.parseFriendsListItem(element, chatID), chatID) this.log(`Found NEW direct chat with ${chatID}`) return { participants: [friendsListInfo], id: chatID, name: friendsListInfo.name, icon: friendsListInfo.avatar, lastMsg: null, lastMsgDate: null, } } else { // TODO throw "Can't yet get info of new groups/rooms" } } const chatListInfo = await chatListItem.evaluate( (element, chatID) => window.__mautrixController.parseChatListItem(element, chatID), chatID) let participants if (!isDirect) { this.log("Found multi-user chat, so viewing it to get participants") // TODO This will mark the chat as "read"! await this._switchChat(chatID, forceView) const participantList = await this.page.$("#_chat_detail_area > .mdRGT02Info ul.mdRGT13Ul") // TODO Is a group not actually created until a message is sent(?) // If so, maybe don't create a portal until there is a message. participants = await participantList.evaluate( element => window.__mautrixController.parseParticipantList(element)) } else { this.log(`Found direct chat with ${chatID}`) if (forceView) { this.log("Viewing chat on request") await this._switchChat(chatID, forceView) } //const chatDetailArea = await this.page.waitForSelector("#_chat_detail_area > .mdRGT02Info") //await chatDetailArea.$(".MdTxtDesc02") || // 1:1 chat with custom title - get participant's real name participants = [{ id: chatID, avatar: chatListInfo.icon, name: chatListInfo.name, }] } this.log("Found participants:") for (const participant of participants) { this.log(JSON.stringify(participant)) } return { participants, ...chatListInfo } } // TODO Catch "An error has occurred" dialog // Selector is just "dialog", then "button" // Child of "#layer_contents" // Always present, just made visible via classes async _sendMessageUnsafe(chatID, text) { // Sync all messages in this chat first await this._syncChat(chatID) // TODO Initiate the promise in the content script await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.promiseOwnMessage(15000, "time")) const input = await this.page.$("#_chat_room_input") await this._interactWithPage(async () => { // Live-typing in the field can have its text mismatch what was requested!! // Probably because the input element is a div instead of a real text input...ugh! // Setting its innerText directly works fine though... await input.click() await input.evaluate((e, text) => e.innerText = text, text) await this._retryUntilSuccess(0, "Failed to press Enter when sending message, try again", async () => { await input.press("Enter") await this.page.waitForFunction( e => e.innerText == "", { timeout: 500 }, input) }) }) return await this._waitForSentMessage(chatID) } async _sendFileUnsafe(chatID, filePath) { await this._syncChat(chatID) await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.promiseOwnMessage( 30000, // Use longer timeout for file uploads "#_chat_message_success_menu", "#_chat_message_fail_menu")) try { this._interactWithPage(async () => { this.log(`About to ask for file chooser in ${chatID}`) const [fileChooser] = await Promise.all([ this.page.waitForFileChooser(), this.page.click("#_chat_room_plus_btn") ]) this.log(`About to upload ${filePath}`) await fileChooser.accept([filePath]) }) } catch (e) { this.log(`Failed to upload file to ${chatID}`) return -1 } return await this._waitForSentMessage(chatID) } async _waitForSentMessage(chatID) { try { this.log("Waiting for message to be sent") const id = await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.waitForOwnMessage()) this.log(`Successfully sent message ${id} to ${chatID}`) this.mostRecentMessages.set(chatID, id) this.mostRecentOwnMessages.set(chatID, id) return id } catch (e) { // TODO Catch if something other than a timeout this.error(`Timed out sending message to ${chatID}`) // TODO Figure out why e is undefined... //this.error(e) return -1 } } _receiveMessages(chatID, messages, skipProcessing = false) { if (!skipProcessing) { messages = this._processMessages(chatID, messages) } if (this.client) { for (const message of messages) { this.client.sendMessage(message).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send message", message.id, "to client:", err)) } } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending messages") } } async _getMessagesUnsafe(chatID) { // TODO Consider making a wrapper for pausing/resuming the msg list observers this.log("Ensuring msg list observer is removed") const hadMsgListObserver = await this.page.evaluate( () => window.__mautrixController.removeMsgListObserver()) this.log(hadMsgListObserver ? "Observer was already removed" : "Removed observer") // TODO Handle unloaded messages. Maybe scroll up // TODO This will mark the chat as "read"! await this._switchChat(chatID) // TODO Is it better to reset the notification count in _switchChat instead of here? this.numChatNotifications.set(chatID, 0) let messages = await this.page.evaluate( mostRecentMessage => window.__mautrixController.parseMessageList(mostRecentMessage), this.mostRecentMessages.get(chatID)) // Doing this before restoring the observer since it updates minID messages = this._processMessages(chatID, messages) const receiptMap = this._getReceiptMap(chatID) // Sync receipts seen from newly-synced messages // TODO When user leaves, clear the read-by count for the old number of other participants let minCountToFind = 1 for (let i = messages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const message = messages[i] if (!message.is_outgoing) { continue } const count = message.receipt_count if (count >= minCountToFind && message.id > (receiptMap.get(count) || 0)) { minCountToFind = count + 1 receiptMap.set(count, message.id) } // TODO Early exit when count == num other participants } // Sync receipts from previously-seen messages const receipts = await this.page.evaluate( mostRecentReceipts => window.__mautrixController.parseReceiptList(mostRecentReceipts), Object.fromEntries(receiptMap)) for (const receipt of receipts) { receiptMap.set(receipt.count, receipt.id) receipt.chat_id = chatID } this._trimReceiptMap(receiptMap) if (hadMsgListObserver) { this.log("Restoring msg list observer") await this.page.evaluate( mostRecentMessage => window.__mautrixController.addMsgListObserver(mostRecentMessage), this.mostRecentMessages.get(chatID)) } else { this.log("Not restoring msg list observer, as there never was one") } return { messages: messages, receipts: receipts } } _processMessages(chatID, messages) { // TODO Probably don't need minID filtering if Puppeteer context handles it now const minID = this.mostRecentMessages.get(chatID) || 0 const filteredMessages = messages.filter(msg => msg.id > minID) if (filteredMessages.length > 0) { const newFirstID = filteredMessages[0].id const newLastID = filteredMessages[filteredMessages.length - 1].id this.mostRecentMessages.set(chatID, newLastID) const range = newFirstID === newLastID ? newFirstID : `${newFirstID}-${newLastID}` this.log(`Loaded ${messages.length} messages in ${chatID}, got ${filteredMessages.length} newer than ${minID} (${range})`) for (const message of filteredMessages) { message.chat_id = chatID } for (let i = filteredMessages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const message = filteredMessages[i] if (message.is_outgoing) { this.mostRecentOwnMessages.set(chatID, message.id) break } } return filteredMessages } else { return [] } } _getReceiptMap(chatID) { if (!this.mostRecentReceipts.has(chatID)) { const newMap = new Map() this.mostRecentReceipts.set(chatID, newMap) return newMap } else { return this.mostRecentReceipts.get(chatID) } } _trimReceiptMap(receiptMap) { // Delete lower counts for earlier messages let prevCount = null for (const count of Array.from(receiptMap.keys()).sort()) { if (prevCount != null && receiptMap.get(prevCount) < receiptMap.get(count)) { receiptMap.delete(count) } prevCount = count } } async _processChatListChangeUnsafe(chatListInfo) { const chatID = chatListInfo.id this.updatedChats.delete(chatID) this.log("Processing change to", chatID) // TODO Also process name/icon changes const prevNumNotifications = this.numChatNotifications.get(chatID) || 0 const diffNumNotifications = chatListInfo.notificationCount - prevNumNotifications if (chatListInfo.notificationCount == 0 && diffNumNotifications < 0) { this.log("Notifications dropped--must have read messages from another LINE client, skip") this.numChatNotifications.set(chatID, 0) return } const mustSync = // If >1, a notification was missed. Only way to get them is to view the chat. // If == 0, might be own message...or just a shuffled chat, or something else. // To play it safe, just sync them. Should be no harm, as they're viewed already. diffNumNotifications != 1 // Without placeholders, some messages require visiting their chat to be synced. || !this.sendPlaceholders && ( // Can only use previews for DMs, because sender can't be found otherwise! chatListInfo.id.charAt(0) != 'u' // Sync when lastMsg is a canned message for a non-previewable message type. || chatListInfo.lastMsg.endsWith(" sent a photo.") || chatListInfo.lastMsg.endsWith(" sent a sticker.") || chatListInfo.lastMsg.endsWith(" sent a location.") // TODO More? ) let messages if (!mustSync) { messages = [{ chat_id: chatListInfo.id, id: null, // because sidebar messages have no ID timestamp: null, // because this message was sent right now is_outgoing: false, // because there's no reliable way to detect own messages... sender: null, // because there's no way to tell who sent a message html: chatListInfo.lastMsg, }] this.numChatNotifications.set(chatID, chatListInfo.notificationCount) this._receiveMessages(chatID, messages, true) } else { this.numChatNotifications.set(chatID, 0) await this._syncChat(chatListInfo.id) } } async _syncChat(chatID) { const { messages, receipts } = await this._getMessagesUnsafe(chatID) if (messages.length == 0) { this.log("No new messages found in", chatID) } else { this._receiveMessages(chatID, messages, true) } if (receipts.length == 0) { this.log("No new receipts found in", chatID) } else { this._receiveReceiptMulti(chatID, receipts, true) } } _receiveChatListChanges(changes) { this.log(`Received chat list changes: ${changes.map(item => item.id)}`) for (const item of changes) { if (!this.updatedChats.has(item.id)) { this.updatedChats.add(item.id) this.taskQueue.push(() => this._processChatListChangeUnsafe(item)) .catch(err => this.error("Error handling chat list changes:", err)) } } } _receiveReceiptDirectLatest(chat_id, receipt_id) { const receiptMap = this._getReceiptMap(chat_id) const prevReceiptID = (receiptMap.get(1) || 0) if (receipt_id <= prevReceiptID) { this.log(`Received OUTDATED read receipt ${receipt_id} (older than ${prevReceiptID}) for chat ${chat_id}`) return } receiptMap.set(1, receipt_id) this.log(`Received read receipt ${receipt_id} (since ${prevReceiptID}) for chat ${chat_id}`) if (this.client) { this.client.sendReceipt({ chat_id: chat_id, id: receipt_id }) .catch(err => this.error("Error handling read receipt:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending receipts") } } async _receiveReceiptMulti(chat_id, receipts, skipProcessing = false) { // Use async to ensure that receipts are sent in order if (!skipProcessing) { const receiptMap = this._getReceiptMap(chat_id) receipts.filter(receipt => { if (receipt.id > (receiptMap.get(receipt.count) || 0)) { receiptMap.set(receipt.count, receipt.id) return true } else { return false } }) if (receipts.length == 0) { this.log(`Received ALL OUTDATED bulk read receipts for chat ${chat_id}:`, receipts) return } this._trimReceiptMap(receiptMap) } this.log(`Received bulk read receipts for chat ${chat_id}:`, receipts) if (this.client) { for (const receipt of receipts) { receipt.chat_id = chat_id try { await this.client.sendReceipt(receipt) } catch (err) { this.error("Error handling read receipt:", err) } } } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending receipts") } } async _sendEmailCredentials() { this.log("Inputting login credentials") await this._enterText(await this.page.$("#line_login_email"), this.login_email) await this._enterText(await this.page.$("#line_login_pwd"), this.login_password) await this.page.click("button#login_btn") } _receiveQRChange(url) { if (this.client) { this.client.sendQRCode(url).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send new QR to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending new QR") } } _receivePIN(pin) { if (this.client) { this.client.sendPIN(pin).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send new PIN to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending new PIN") } } _sendLoginSuccess() { this.error("Login success") if (this.client) { this.client.sendLoginSuccess().catch(err => this.error("Failed to send login success to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending login success") } } _sendLoginFailure(reason) { this.loginRunning = false this.error(`Login failure: ${reason ? reason : "cancelled"}`) if (this.client) { this.client.sendLoginFailure(reason).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send login failure to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending login failure") } } _onLoggedOut(message) { this.log(`Got logged out!${!message ? "" : " Message: " + message}`) this.stopObserving() this.page.bringToFront() if (this.client) { this.client.sendLoggedOut(message).catch(err => this.error("Failed to send logout notice to client:", err)) } else { this.log("No client connected, not sending logout notice") } } }