### Listen config If `type` is `unix`, `path` is the path where to create the socket. If `type` is `tcp`, `port` and `host` are the host/port where to listen. ### Executable path The `executable_path` specifies the path to the Chromium binary for Puppeteer to use. Leaving this setting blank will use the x86_64 Chromium installation bundled with Puppeteer. For other architectures, it is necessary to install a compatible version of Chromium (ideally via your distribution's package manager), and to set `executable_path` to the path of its binary (typically `/usr/bin/chromium`). ### Profile directory The `profile_dir` specifies which directory to put Chromium user data directories. ### URL `url` specifies the URL of the index page of the LINE extension for your Chromium installation. ### Extension directory The `extension_dir` specifies which directory contains the files for the LINE extension, which you must download yourself. ### Cycle delay `cycle_delay` specifies the period (in milliseconds) at which Puppeteer should view chats to check on their read receipts. Only chats with messages that haven't been fully read need to be checked. ### `xdotool` Set `use_xdotool` to `true` to allow the Node process to manipulate the mouse cursor of the X server it runs in. Requires the `xdotool` utility to be installed. Highly recommended, especially when running in a background X server. Its default value is `false` so that running in a non-background X server won't interfere with a real mouse cursor. `jiggle_delay` specifies the period (in milliseconds) for "jiggling" the mouse cursor (necessary to keep the LINE extension active). Only relevant when `use_xdotool` is `true`. ### DevTools Set `devtools` to `true` to launch Chromium with DevTools enabled by default.